La Dulce Vita

This blog was created to fulfill a requirement for my Writing for New Media class. It's main focus is to explore Italian current events and it will probably feature Italian wine as much as possible. Spero che te piace (I hope that you like it)

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I am the Sexy Chef. Sexy Chef is all about gaining confidence in the kitchen because what is more sexy than confidence? I want to make cooking fun and exciting for everyone. Confidence, Creativity and Fun is what Sexy Chef is all about.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Transvestite law maker causes trouble in women's restroom

The fact that Italy has a transvestite law maker is shocking enough, let alone the fact that this transvestite is now trying to use the women's public restroom and causing havoc among others in the Italian parliament.

Apparently, this "female" transvestite was found in the bathroom by former actress Elisabetta Gardini, turned spokesperson for Berlusconis' Forza Italia party.

"I was traumatized," she said.

According to Gardini, "It was violence, sexual violence.''

The transvestite, whose name is Vladimir Luxuria wears womens clothes anproclaimsms "herself" to be a transgender, although there has not yet been an operation indicating any official sex change.

The fact that the Italian Parliament have recently been experiencing credibility issues only heightened the political cartoon jokes and mockery when the press heard of this latest "crisis."

Ironically enough, the issue of where Luxuria goes to the bathroom was apparently more important than say, the passing of the budget in parliament; since the time allocated for discussion of the budget was taken up by arguing about which restroom was appropriate for use by a transvestite.

Some lawmakers felt that Luxuria was being attacked, however others felt that the issue was so prominent that a special bathroom specifically designed for "her" should be created!

Luxuria said she had no idea that this would become such a hot topic.

Evidently actresses turned politicians surely can create a mountain out of a molehill.

Italy Lawmakers Debate Restroom Rights
Tuesday October 31, 2006 3:16 AM
Associated Press Writer,,-6181666,00.html


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