La Dulce Vita

This blog was created to fulfill a requirement for my Writing for New Media class. It's main focus is to explore Italian current events and it will probably feature Italian wine as much as possible. Spero che te piace (I hope that you like it)

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I am the Sexy Chef. Sexy Chef is all about gaining confidence in the kitchen because what is more sexy than confidence? I want to make cooking fun and exciting for everyone. Confidence, Creativity and Fun is what Sexy Chef is all about.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Paris poses for canned Prosecco

An Australian company recently hired Paris Hilton as part of their marketing scheme for their new product idea called "Rich Prosecco." Prosecco, which is a famous Italian sparkling wine has has Italians worried about the reputation of it's prized sparkling wine after the new canned wine adorned with Paris Hilton is distributed.

“Rich Prosecco is a blantant example of exploiting the Prosecco name. The name means everything and Prosecco’s success has come thanks to decades of hard work by over 3,000 vineyards and 130 producers,” said Franco Adami, chairman of the consortium of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene producers.

Prosecco is made in the north of Italy's Venice and the name comes from the specific Prosecco grape.

“Prosecco has became synonymous with our region. Now we are seeing the reputation we have worked to build exploited in order to make an easy profit,” Adami said.

On the other hand, Veneto Region Vice President Luca Zaia feels that this is a great marketing idea since he thinks that more people will be drawn to buy a bottle of the Prosecco wine after drinking it of the Austrialian/Hilton canned verson.

The outcome now has Prosecco producers aiming to launch some major advertising in order to showcase the quality of the genuine Italian Prosecco and the differences between the 'rich' canned product.

Check out the article:
Prosecco in a can stirs controversy
By Web Editor. Filed under News from Italy, Food & Drink on September 27th, 2006


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